
Get Hired Anywhere Email Template

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Found an awesome remote role but they’re not hiring in your country? A global employment platform, like Oyster, could solve that! Use the “Get Hired Anywhere” email template to get them on board.

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Hi [Name],  👋
My name is [First Name], I’m located in [Country of Residence] and I recently applied for your open position, [Job title]. I’m writing to ask if you have considered global employment for this position?
The benefits of global employment span far and wide such as cultivating a diverse workforce and saving on overhead costs. I understand hiring globally can be daunting but I’m wondering if you’ve heard of Oyster?
Oyster is a global employment platform that enables hiring anywhere in the world—with reliable, compliant payroll, and great local benefits and perks. Oyster lets growing companies give valued international team members the experience they deserve, without the usual headaches and expense.
I hope you consider global employment at [Company] and my application for [Job Title]. You can learn more about Oyster here.
Talk soon,
[First Name]